Have you ever been in such positive state of mental flow that you almost hover outside of your body looking down at yourself saying, “Wow, I’m good!”

What a feeling, right? All your goals and aspirations have a roadmap for completion and it’s never been so clear. The thoughts you experience become reality and you finally have some peace of mind. Remember telling yourself in that moment, “This is easy! Why haven’t I been doing this my whole life?”

Then the next day it’s gone. You struggle to remember how any of the strands weaved together to construct your quilt of life. Now you’re asking, “How can I get back to that amazing state of being?”

This sensation occurs for many of us. Sometimes it’s once in a lifetime, some once in a year. There are tons, though, who reach this pinnacle everyday. These folks understand themselves and the habits they need to practice to enable this regular mental flow.

Once you’ve been able to master this regularly, you’ll easily find your stance and values, and be able to detail out a more intricate plan of attack towards your goals. Wouldn’t it be nice to finally jump head first into your visions?


Step 1: Recognize your storm

Whether these flow states come to you on a monthly basis or once a year, we need to know the signs so we can be prepared. Good or bad, typically these thoughts are coming to us for some reason — maybe it was an activity at work or the way someone treated you while driving. For me, the evening tends to be the perfect condition for a flurry of ideas.

While our thoughts become our reality, we are impacted by the people around us and the experiences we have in a day. These experiences can put us in a state of anger, fear, motivation or enlightenment. These thoughts are all swirling, zigging and zagging as they brew up the most perfect brain cloud. This is the experience we’ve been waiting for! I feel like a tornado chaser!


Step 2. Write it!

Who keeps a pen and notepad around? Unless it’s a habit you grew up with, it’s difficult to jot down content when the tools aren’t readily available. My suggestion is to buy a few notepads and keep at least one next to you when you sleep at night. Don’t forget a pen, you’ll need that as well.

Make a mental note now and write it down, the old fashioned way, on a piece of paper rather than typing it into your smartphone. While it’s almost guaranteed that your device is sitting there waiting to be texted into, refrain from typing in notes. A few reasons why:

Pen to paper allows for a more thoughtful recollection and studies show physically writing engrains the content deeper into your subconscious.

Not only that, but your phone is a ticking time bomb ready to change your subconscious in an instant. This mental flow is yours, not someone (or thing) else’s. Give yourself the attention, no one else.

Write and write when you’re in the zone. Let it all flow. If it makes sense, great! If it’s all jumbled and messy, that’s just as important. You’ll need these ideas to look back on later.


Step 3. Examine the Aftermath

When a storm is done moving its way through a city, insurance companies need to learn what happened and asses the damage in order to write a detailed claim. They review the aftermath and give you money to rebuild stronger. Similarly, you need to review your brainstorm and examine your notes to make a claim and move forward. What did you think up and write down? Did you run into fears, love interests, or businesses you want to start? Many times when you look back on your free write, you’ll see trends or similarities in ideas.

I do this often as it’s one of the more important steps in the process. I’ve gotten to a point where I can write down the weird ideas and intricate pathways to obtaining my goals. These are ideas that come once and leave. For instance, one session I had with Glowsoul moved towards a franchise operation. I took the notes I wrote a week later and rounded off some details to form a stronger plan of action. I won’t use this idea yet. But in a few years, it could be my next step.


Step 4. Keep what you like

As you go over your notes, you’ll be drawn to some concepts more than others. These are the golden nuggets and can act as the foundation for rewiring your subconscious. Take what you like and either write ‘em on a separate page or digitally store them somewhere. You’ll now be able to go back anytime and experience this again.


Step 5. Create affirmation lists

The list of great ideas above is for only one session but you’ll have many more. Take these subconscious flow sessions and combine them into a series of affirmations for yourself. Affirmations are the act of recycling words or phrases that provide emotional and mental support. This video is the backbone of my youth and shows a cheesy version of what I’m talking about.

You could have pages of notes or single words. For me, I have a series of ideas I like on various pages. My affirmation list starts with a fresh sheet of paper and then moves to a consolidation page with all the good notes I want.

Example of verses and words I’ve written down are:

I’ll attract a giving, talented business partner who sees my vision

Glowsoul will help 20 million people restructure their subconscious for positivity

Love, Authenticity


Those are a few examples, but my affirmation page is full. I revisit them in the morning when I wake up and before I lay down for the night. This practice helps me remember these affirmations throughout my day and stay aware throughout all my interactions. Those interactions include both online and face to face.

Starting the day with positive self-affirmations builds a great armor against everyone who will affect you. Ending the day ensures good sleep with thoughts you know you want. This is how you intentionally rewire your subconscious.

It does take practice, which is why I try to do it morning and night. My results include growing my network on both LinkedIn and Twitter with other like minded individuals and my motivation stays high because I have a few ultimate goals I plan my day around.

Hopefully this rubric works for you. If you need help, I’d love to lend a hand! It’s part of my purpose to fuel your subconscious the way YOU want it. That way, you’ll succeed in the goals you’ve laid out for yourself.

Jim Carrey Like Confidence For Life

When I was a young kid, my parents weren’t the hovering type that fed me nonsense of how great I was. In fact, my dad often told me how difficult things can be and that hard work is the only way to overcome obstacles. My mother would even inject the fear of warts if I touched a toad in the backyard.

Despite their affection for reality, I was a bit of a dreamer.  I saw light shows in my eyelids when I shut them and I could get toads to crawl into my bug house, sometimes without touching them.

Around the age of seven, this made me feel unique and special. Like I was given gifts nobody else had. My inner dialogue made me believe I could kick a bad guy in the nuts and win the heart of any little lass who wandered by my wide-toothed smile.

Why did I think this? Good question.

While I was slightly sheltered about the vastneess of the world, I was afforded to watch a few Jim Carrey films, one of which has a particular stronghold on my subconscious. “Liar Liar,” wasn’t the biggest blockbuster hit for Carrey, but had a lasting impression on me. It showed me confidence on so many levels. Here’s what I learned and what I’ve carried with me.

Look the part

Jim Carrey’s lawyer persona was on point. Fine tailored suit, trimmed head of hair with properly placed follicles. He was confident and a pro and I’m convinced that because he looked good, he was good. Don’t you always have a better time out when you feel you’re on fleek?

Eye Contact

There is a scene when Carrey is walking down the hall and complimenting each coworker. What I noticed was his eye contact with each person. With eyes fixated on your subject, you’re indicating focused attention and concern. Remember conversations you’ve had in the past. Isn’t it annoying when someone is looking away from you while you’re conversing? Looking eye to eye also boosts people’s perception of your confidence subconsciously. It’s that boundary breaking moment where each participant gets a chance to dive into another’s mind and see vulnerabilities. Jumping into someone’s mind through eye contact is a very strong signal of confidence.

Wide Stance, Long Stride

Studies have shown leaders who are naturally confident take up more space in a room than others. It’s a subconscious way of taking ownership and the assumption is that the person afforded more space earns it. This happens in the animal kingdom as gorillas space consumption is a direct correlation to the tribal leader. Throughout the film, Carey makes huge gestures and strides with purpose. He always has a destination and goes straight there. His legs are wider set and hands flail when speaking. Christian Jarrett of the BBC wrote about this “gait” ideain great detail.


Before Carrey delivers his rebuttals in the courtroom, you can see him breath and go for it. Racing minds and hearts have a particular look; you can see anxiety through quick paced breathing. When this comes up, relax, realize there is nothing to lose, believe in yourself and trust the outcome. This is often easier said than done, especially when we may have inner dialogue bouncing us in different directions.  But if you stick to what you believe in and not let stress and anxiety get in your way, things often have a way of working out. If not right away, later down the road.


Jim Carrey instills confidence in himself and others when he smiles. In another scene, he pinches off a toothy grin at a front desk gal who has a unique, plugged hair style. He was a bit taken back by her outrageous look but continued to smile and tell the gal how great she looked. The funny looking lady boasted a reciprocating large smile and the two were trapped in a smile war. Carrey’s smirk dictated the moment and it came off as smooth confidence. Next chance you get, try smiling in every room you walk into. Elevator, bedroom, office, bathroom. Make it a habit when you turn a knob and push through the door. I think you’ll enjoy the rewards that follow. Even the Mayo Clinic recommends a good smile and laughter.

If confidence is the act of being able to trust someone (yourself), then believing in you is crucial. Much of the detail above can be difficult if not practiced and applied. A great solution to becoming more confident like Jim Carrey, especially if it’s not natural, is an affirmation program. Positive self talk can help rewire how you think about yourself. Apply faith to the words you recycle in your mind and you’ll begin to trust yourself more and more. It won’t be “Liar Liar,” your perception will become a reality. What ways do you already grow your confidence?

What Mindfulness Does For Sales

All folks who sell for a living want to make the next big deal. The overwhelming pride you feel when you’ve helped push the quota past expectations is worth every ounce of work you put in. It feels really good when your boss is pumped enough to reach into the pocket and splurge on your success during happy hour too.

If there was a step-by-step guide on how to achieve consistent sales results, we’d all be eager to pay up.

Hard work and grit. Yeah, it makes sense that we need both of those, however, it’s not easy to teach those characteristics. On all accounts, it requires you to find it from within. If you’re not breaking yourself like Rocky Balboa, the next best way to find yourself is through Mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the mental state we reach when we focus our awareness on the present moment. During this state, we are acknowledging and accepting of our feelings, thoughts, and sensations. Mindfulness has tons of benefits, below are three that will help you sell the next biggest deal on your team.

Memory Improvement

Have you ever forgotten the fine details about your prospect’s needs and lost a sale because you couldn’t remember how exactly to tie in your service? I have, my pen only writes so fast! If I could ask for one superpower it would be a better memory.

There are ample ways of increasing the stickiness in your storage capacity. A few I’ve tried are: story-based association, poem memorization and reading books. Another, that has helped a ton is mindfulness and meditation.

The “Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research Group,” found there are structural differences between brains of experienced meditation practitioners and those who aren’t.

In this Harvard Gazette article, detailed by Sue McGreevey, MGH Communications, the group found increased grey matter (found in regions of the brain associated with hearing, emotions, and memory) in test subjects who practiced meditation for 27 minutes a day, over an 8-week span. This is helpful to know as I’ve personally noticed better detail recollection with meditating and mindfulness.

Gain Empathy

It’s been documented that since the 1970’s we’re becoming less empathetic and compassionate. Sarah Konrath from the University of Michigan says she’s seen a steady drop since 1990 in these areas. Mindfulness and meditation can certainly boost this lack of empathy. While long-term benefits of mindfulness include increased memory, stronger overall health and cognitive skill speed, increased compassion is the main focus.

When being mindful you’re often sitting in a quiet space for any length of time and guiding awareness to the present moment. The aim is to focus on the now and be thankful for all you have in the instant. The immediate effects often are an appreciation for oneself, others and the materials you already have. When I focus on mindful selling, I become appreciative of my managers, prospects and the opportunity to help. Showing empathy in sales has a sweet referral ROI along with a fast track to trust.

Lose Stress

Between a 50-call day, preparing demos for prospects and managing current partners, the mounting stress can be real, especially if you don’t have an outlet. In the same Harvard study, the subjects reported a lower stress level and did have lower grey matter density in the amygdala, a little nugget of grey matter involved with emotions and plays an important role in anxiety and stress.

Amishi Jha, of the University of Miami, thinks that while stress can be reduced in eight weeks of a mindfulness training program, the structural changes in the amygdala could push better studies in curing stress related disorders like PTSD. With less stress, you’ll be eager to keep your nose to the grindstone and build that awesome sales pipe, even if you have PTSD from being bombarded with NO’s.

Much of sales is mental. We are humans with a very curious, powerful structure upstairs that constantly is powered up. The mind needs massaging and relaxation. Feeling refreshed during long sales cycles grows your grit, improves your memory, shrinks your stress and forces you to be empathetic. Test it for a month and try to find favorable techniques. You’ll notice a quick turnaround on your overall perception of smiling and dialing. If nothing else, you will at least have 20 minutes of peace and quiet.